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Ace Evening: A Sexual Series– screening, performance and workshop

A Sexual Series explores the queer identity asexuality by showcasing aces and visualizing our struggles to find acceptance in the world, on a personal, local as well as international level.

With the intent to raise awareness and offer an alternative way of thinking and behaving in our contemporary global sexual culture, the diverse spectrum of Aces are proudly here.


As far as I am aware, I am the only video/performance artist that embodies and visually transcodes the spectrum of asexuality based on my own experiences.


I would like to present an Ace Evening event that features work from my contemporary A Sexual Series.

In the middle of the #metoo movement, people globally are understanding the power dynamics behind sexual harassment and oppression.
Is there a clear line between abuse of power and consent in our sexual behaviour and relationships?


So far, some of the individual works of A Sexual Series has been shown at the following places and situations:

- Erotikafton @ Inkonst, Malmö (SWE), 2017 (video installation)

- 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo (JAP) as part of AIR 3331 art residency, 2017 (installation + performance + Artist Talk)

- Strawberry Fields, Tokyo (JAP) as part of La Partie Porno-tique release party, 2017 (installation + performance)

- Athens Museum of Queer Arts (GRC), 2017 (installation + screening + performance + Q/A)

- Klubb Kahlo, Slipvillan (Stockholm, SWE) 2017 (video installation)

- Malmö Queer Film Festival, Folkets Bio Panora (SWE) 2017  (installation + performance + screening + Q/A)

- Stockholm University of the Arts (SWE) 2016 (installation + exposition performance)



  • Sexual Disorientation  (performance)

  • Sexual Disorientation  (installation)

  • <3 yr inner glitch (glitch art)

  • Ace of Baes (art documentary)

  • Sexually Disoriented in Tokyo (street performance)


SEXUAL DISORIENTATION (performance, 15 mins)

A sex doll cyborg unlocks their invisible chains and reaches climax in asexual eroticism. It wants to feel reflected in others, but is the Other. 

Pop culture references to Elsa from Frozen as well as Edward Scissorhands relate to the artist's personal identity and crip experience that literally 'straightened' her.


The piece raises questions about being a slave under the sex norm and contemplates sexual desire as constructed.


SEXUAL DISORIENTATION (installation, 5-30 mins)

Prior to the performance, the artist is able to do a live installation for approximately 5 – 30 mins as the alter ego E-ME 2.0  product info "Authentic Swedish, made in Japan and packaged in Greece”.


<3 YR INNER GLITCH (video glitch art, 14 mins)

In the interactive glitch art video I use glitch as a metaphor for deviation and queerness.


<3 yr inner glitch is a part of the video performance piece Sexual Disorientation – made glitchy.

It’s an interactive piece in private for a personal self-loving love ritual, no matter why society finds you “wrong”.


ACE OF BAES (film, 28 mins)

An international art documentary to share knowledge about the invisible queer identity: Asexuality.

Asexuals have a long history of being marginalized, repressed, excluded, ridiculed and belittled.

In Ace of Baes we get to know some asexuals who identify somewhere on the broad spectrum, who proudly give their unique sexuality a face and long deserved platform.


The participants represent the variety of cultural experiences, being from Japan, the US, Sweden, Estonia, India, Greece and Spain.


SEXUALlY DISORIENTED IN TOKYO (street performance)

A collaboration with costume designer and photographer Daisuke Tsukuda. Developed and performed in Shibuya, Tokyo.


A solo manifestation of Asexual Pride.

The sign reads:
”Be ACE!
Asexual Rebel”


Ace = Umbrella term for the asexual spectrum.

Class Led by: Emie // Eva-Marie Elg

Earlier Event: January 25
Transparency Tools Primer
Later Event: January 26
What We Need Is Beautiful And Free